Mac Myriad

Mac Myriad is a user group that caters to Apple Professionals in the Cape Town area.

For too long there has never been a stable and consistent platform for Apple fans to connect on a regular basis and grow as a community together.

Mac Myriad meets once a month, and has been connecting members since 2013.

Check out the website for up to date information, as well as the Twitters, Facebook, LinkedIn and even YouTube.

This is a place where Apple Professionals can meet, share, learn or just come together (for the cookies.)

It is a relaxed environment where everybody can get to know the others operating in the same industry or even the same space.

We have speakers, sponsors, partners and giveaways every meet up.

And it’s a place where a foundation is to be laid, for bigger, and even better things to come from this community, and Mac Myriad.

Check us out, do it!