[Review] Wireless Wipes “Dirty talk is bad for your health!”

You may already know about one of my newest projects, Mac Tech SA

Mac Tech SA is funded purely through the community as well as through sponsorships.
We are extremely fortunate to welcome onboard a new member to the Mac Tech SA Family, namely, Wireless Wipes.

I had never used Wireless Wipes, or any sanitising wipe for that matter on any of my advices before now.
I was very guilty of using a micro-fibre cloth and “shifting” the grime and bacteria around.
I can confidently say now, never again!
Wireless Wipes are super easy to use, and acts like any other hygienic-wipe, but for your devices.

As a parent, I am well versed in the arts of utilising wipes on difficult to reach areas 🙂
What makes these different to regular wipes that a lot of us are used to, is the fact that they are purposefully made for mobile devices.
They contain alcohol, so they are fast-drying, not leaving moisture behind.
They don’t streak (major bonus), and leave a super shine behind.
And best of all,  they are non-corrosive to the devices and the device covers. 
The pack is resealable, so you don’t waste the others that are still in the pack.
There are 12 wipes in each pack, and a fantastic range of 3 flavours/scents.
Pomegranate Citrus, Green Tea Cucumber and Rosemary Peppermint 
Get your Wireless Wipes in Store now, or online now!
The iStores exclusively stock Wireless Wipes for in-store buying, and you can buy online on the Wireless Wipes website.
Tough choice to make? Well, buying online gives you FREE 72 hour delivery. Easy right!
@ 49 South African Rands for single packs with 12 wipes in at the iStores, they really are a good deal.
And if you need more than 12 wipes, for multiple devices, people, children’s devices etc, they buy the economic bulk packs that range from 3 to 24 packs on the online shop.
This is a great product that I not only live, but completely endorse!
Practical, Feasible, Easy!
Go and get yours now, and clean that bacteria off your idevices right now.
Or, come swing by our next Mac Tech SA and pick up a sample. 
Enjoy it!

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