The procedure has been identical for Mountain Lion and it simply could not be easier…until now, that is.
Guillaume Gete has created an even simpler automated AppleScript with a simple interface that will make the bootable disk for you, called Lion DiskMaker.
The app can be downloaded from his site, hosting the free 4MB app.
Once you start the app, it will use Spotlight to do a quick search and find any OS X installers, for Snow Leopard, Lion and Mountain Lion.
If it finds multiple versions it will prompt you for which version you wish to create.
Once selected, it will confirm the location of the installer, in case you wish to choose a different one.
After that, a choice needs to be made whether a DVD or Flash drive will be used.
Not much of a choice really, right?
Pick the kind of disk you will be using, and then hey Presto!
Most definitely a great and easy way to create installer disks for recovery.
Props to Guillaume and his team of testers, designers and translators for this tool!