After a long, long break, it feels great to be back at the helm and splurging as much local Apple news as possible.
For those that don’t know, I started up with my new employer this month, as the company’s Lead Apple Instructor. This is of course one of the most important criteria for any training company to become an Authorised Apple Training Centre, a certified instructor.
But not just any old certification will do mind you, only the official Instructor certification will suffice.
And that is why my new company is sending myself and my colleague, The Nash, to the amazing Abu Dhabi.
Here we will be attending the official “Train the Trainer” for the first of our certifications, allowing us to be technically proficient to deliver the course in South Africa. Bringing this certification back will ultimately lead in sealing the final requirement for our company to become the newest AATC in South Africa.
So check in again tomorrow for an update on our travels and insights into the international Apple Training scene, as we fly as we jet off to the sunny Abu Dhabi.
Just in case you just got bored, no, I will not be using this opportunity to turn this into my new travel blog. That’s what Facebook is for.
Follow the trip under the categories section.
I hope to bring some really cool ideas, products, info and apps back for us to blog about in South Africa.